Leo Couples Horoscope

You’re in love with love, Leo, and you really do enjoy everything about being part of a couple this year. The drama makes you feel alive, and you can become addicted to people quite easily.

Ambitious Saturn’s trip through your transformational eighth house affects your relationship as well, especially since this partnership also highlights your sexual zone. Is your relationship ready for a sexual reawakening? Even if you mesh together perfectly in a physical sense, there’s always room for improvement. People who say “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” don’t know what they’re talking about. There’s always room for more physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual intensity, and you’re about to find it!

Aggressive Mars joins Saturn in compassionate Pisces and your renewal zone between late March and the start of May, putting more intimate matters like money in the spotlight. This can be a shadowy, secretive transit during which you might both be holding back from sharing things with each other more than usual. This creates a deceptive, suspicious environment in which things can quickly go downhill. Building trust won’t be easy now, but actively tearing it down should be avoided at all costs. If you can’t be totally transparent, at least don’t lie straight to each other’s face.