May 2024 - May 7 brings a new moon in stable Taurus, electrifying your future hopes and wishes zone with thoughts of security and reliability. You really want to be able to count on your partner (and vice versa), so this is an ideal lunation to make promises and set goals that support those mutual desires.

The radiant sun moves into restless air sign Gemini on the twentieth, showing you your options and almost daring you to make some bold decisions. But remember what you decided together early in the month, Cancer, and do your best not to break any vows or commitments you’ve made to each other. If you can get through this little glitch, things should get better.

Sagittarius hosts your emotional leader’s full phase on May 23, giving you a chance to have a real adventure as a couple. If you’ve been lost in everyday obligations like work or kids, you might have lost some of the magic you used to have. Doing something romantic and even daring during this lunation reminds you why you fell in love in the first place.

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More Horoscopes for Cancer

Cancer Compatibility and Traits

Cancer Sign Compatibility

Cancer Star Dates and Traits


As a water sign, Cancers feel deeply, though will often keep these sentiments hidden under their shell.

They are intuitively nurturing and love to take care of the people around them. They have a reputation for being moody and aren't always the best at unpacking their feelings with others. They often opt to sort out their issues alone.Learn More

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